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      本片基于真实历史故事改编。1942年1月,日本战争机器的铁蹄席卷东南亚。在这里,有一个叫做新不列颠的岛屿上,有一座天主教传教站,这里的澳大利亚护士们克服种种困难的条件,悉心照顾手上的澳大利亚士兵。(文/life_is_good@YDY)  January, 1942. The Japanese war machine thunders across South East Asia. In its path,on the island of New Britain, lies a tiny Catholic mission station, Vunapope. Here a handful of Australian nurses take refuge with wounded Australian soldiers.  Sisters of War is inspired by the true story of two extraordinary Australian women, Lorna Whyte,(now Lorna Johnston) an army nurse and Sister Berenice Twohill, a Catholic nun from country New South Wales who was stationed at Vunapope. Although they were two very different women, their friendship would survive the perilous events that followed.Sisters of War is adapted from wartime diaries and interviews with Lorna, Sister Berenice and others who witnessed these events. The story of their captivity, their extraordinary courage and their will to prevail has never been told.


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