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      Pretty and popular, seventeen-year-old Brooke Emerson is the envy of her classmates--and even some of her closest friends. But while she seems to have it all, Brooke has never felt so lost. Ever since she sustained a head injury during a cheerleading stunt the previous year, she's suffered from a disorder that causes her to fly into uncontrollable, sometimes violent rages. As hard as she tries to keep it together, she finds herself in danger of jeopardizing her seemingly perfect life. It isn't until Brooke meets Jake, a handsome and charismatic stranger, that she feels like she's found someone who not only understands her, but accepts her for who she is. As tempting as it is to get swept up in the romance, she can't help but feel like something in their relationship isn't quite right. When her best friend is brutally murdered, Brooke has no choice but to depend on her new love...especially because she's worried that she might be the killer.


    • HD 忘年的蝴蝶花 萝拉·克雷顿,斯坦尼斯拉斯·莫哈,阿黛拉·哈内尔,薇拉莉·邓泽里,Ferdinand,Régent,Barthélémy,Guillemard,安托万·夏佩,玛丽莲·坎托,瑟奇·伦科,弗雷德里克·皮耶罗,帕斯卡·切尔沃,米歇尔·莫雷蒂,Stéphane,Bouquet,Gaëlle,Obiégly,Thomas,Clerc
    • HD 少女宿舍2019 陈淋,曹越,田启文,姜皓文,罗兰
    • HD 录音带 伊桑·霍克,罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德,乌玛·瑟曼
    • HD 周围有婴儿的哭声吗? 仲野太贺,吉冈里帆,宽一郎,山中崇,余贵美子,柳叶敏郎
    • HD中字 永远2016 马修·阿马立克,朱丽亚·罗伊,让娜·巴利巴尔,维多利亚·盖拉,埃尔马诺·桑丘,何塞·内图,雨果·佩德罗,瑞·莫里森
    • HD中字 终极追缉令 钱嘉乐,宋研,倪睿思

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